Issue Position: The Ten Point Plan

Issue Position

Submitted via email by candidate

(1.) Entails; the Economic Legislation for Full Faith Certificate Issue to replace Borrowing Us into untenable National Debt, a Fair Price Regulation Monitoring of the Cost of Living To Prevent Consumer Gouging Inflation, the Reduction of Waste in The National Budget, and the stabilization of the Stock Market, by eliminating "Short Selling" and by placing a 3% Safety Margin on the amount that Stocks may fall in a day to prevent Panic Selling;

(2.) The Creation of a Bureau of Jobs to provide Government Sponsored Work for the
Nation's Unemployed with Prevailing Wage Legislation based to the Federal Government's own General Schedule (GS) Wage Standards for the Nation's Private Sector Workforce;

(3.) Health, Education, and Welfare Policy Directives involving; the legislation for an FICA Affordable Graduated National Health Care Payroll Plan, Full Faith Federal Subsidy to all American Public Schools requiring assistance with provisions for School Lunch Programs, an SSI (Social Security) Three Month Medicare Maternity Leave for Expectant Mothers, and with Grant Subsidies for; Medical and Scientific Research, the Arts, the Philharmonic;

(4.) A Fair Trade Agreement for Tariff Protection of American Industry and American Jobs with Sanctions against those Industries who Outsource and Headquarter Abroad;

(5.) Conclusive Military Intervention to The Drug War under the Articles of Marital Law Armed with Search Warrants for Search and Seizure based to Obviousness of Suspicion;

(6.) The timely Resolving of the Native American Indian Federal Tribal Matters, as to their Wishes in Fulfillment, To Restore their Dignity as the Indigenous Territorial Sovereign;

(7.) Full Faith Immediate Government Sponsored Subsidy for Conclusive Pollution Remedy to all Point Source Emissions regardless of their source and means to finance;

(8.) Full Faith Subsidy Protection of America's Agriculture and Family Farms Providing Price Supports and Disaster Relief from Crop Failures due to Pestilence and the Elements;

(9.) A firm National Declaration of our U. S. American Moral and Humane Standards, to include; Abortion, Euthanasia, Torture Interrogation, Animal Rights, and Pornography;

(10.) And for the Resolution of present Civil Rights Errors; involving clarifying Civil Law Psychiatric Due Process Rights, and to initiate a "Second Chance Law," defining Statutory Age Limits in the Right To Personal Privacy for Criminal and Psychiatric Histories in applications filings, and rectifying of the 5th Amendment Right Against Self-Incrimination currently being violated along with Retrial for the Same Offense under different venues.
